Britney held a stack of vouchers out; they'd be good to collect real food, real drinking water, and they'd be good for months. A glance at the date said that they expired a year from the day they were activated. There had to be two dozen. "It's a gift, a thank you," Britney started, but Christina cut her off with,
"*no*," and nearly slammed the door in her face.
Britney carefully laid the vouchers down on the counter, and said carefully, "I need to talk to someone about getting horses."
Christina didn't ask whether Britney had told Don about the club; she didn't ask whether she'd put Don up to it. It didn't matter, Christina didn't care. She tossed Britney the number of someone out at Pink's ranch. There was no way she'd make Pink do it.
"Thank you," Britney said, and then, "what are you doing--"
"the club," Christina told her shortly.
"Would you like some compa--"
"Go home," and Christina shoved the door closed behind her.