from the TRL world premiere, Oct. 26th, 2002:
Justin: You know, it's funny. A lot of people have asked me if the video is about her. It's not about her. It's about me. and all in all when I wrote the song and people started hearing the song, then speculating what it was about, I just figured hey, you know, if you guys wanna speculate what the song is about, I may as well give you something else to talk about. So.
Carson: Yeah, you know how everybody's talking about this video, even here at MTV. The buzz that surrounds it. I mean, you made a really good-looking video.
J: Thanks man, I appreciate it. It's kinda like a mini-movie.
C: Yeah, it has sort of an American Psycho feel to it, your character in the movie.
J: Yeah.
C: But the girl really does look, uh, identical to Britney, and then there's little nuances throughout the video like the angel you use as a doorstop, and there's a sort of symbolism that runs throughout.
J: Hey man, I'm crazy.
C: You are. You a crazy psycho. But that's cool. I think it's a good looking video, and we're just gonna let people watch, we're gonna world premiere it and they're gonna make up their own minds about it.[-->]