such a state

fic by bow

"I can never get people to understand that poetry is the expression of excited passion, and that there is no such thing as a life of passion any more than a continuous earthquake, or an eternal fever. Besides, who would ever shave themselves in such a state?" - Lord Byron

Short Fiction

Burn -

Things are only a little bit different after Sirius dies. Harry and Snape and fireworks. ~1400 words.

Death's Avatar (The Gift that Keeps on Taking Remix) -

Dumbledore strikes a bargain, and Snape lives with the consequences. written for the Remix Redux. ~1400 words. (It's a bit of a Sandman crossover, but don't worry if you haven't read that!)

Footnotes -

Sirius shows up on Remus's doorstep after Prisoner of Azkaban. Everything is the same and nothing is the same. ~1000 words.

How it Feels to Face a Dragon -

Cho/Fleur, Cho/Cedric written for the HP Flashficathon. Cho can't seem to leave Cedric behind. ~1100 words.

Parting -

implied Remus/Sirius, post-Order of the Phoenix. plus that Harry Potter kid makes an appearance, too. ~800 words. Set to Emily Dickinson's My Life Closed Twice Before Its Close.

To Get By -

The days go on and Remus gets by. implied past Remus/Sirius. written for the Remus Remix. ~900 words.

Worse Ways to Die -

Sirius/Remus at Hogwarts, ~700 words. not angsty despite the title.

Other Stuff

Drabbles -

100 words apiece. So far, we have Narcissa/Bellatrix, Remus/Sirius, and Remus/Minerva.

 Humor -

...or attempted humor, anyway. Remus/Sirius and Gilbert and Sullivan.

 Poetry -

Occasionally, I indulge my overly artistic side. Remus/Sirius and Harry/Draco can be found within.

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