not my finest hour
version 2.0: seraphinia

Did a lot of streamlining. I may in the process have broken some links, but since there's nobody but me here anyway I don't think this will pose a problem. Minor redesign in progress, for which read I have finally given up on adding graphics and presently will remove any that are already here. Also: new story, new short, more bits added to the songs page, and yet another list.

No new writing, as such, but look! Many items added to the song and pairing pages! Hypothetical pairing no. 17 is, incidentally, my new OTP. I've never had one before, so it makes me feel all snuggly and possessive. Currently I have four stories stalled at 90% complete. Periodically I open the files, change two sentences, and then close them again. It's terribly frustrating.

Added one new story and re-added my lone essay.

Re-added the counter, fixed a link or two.

Brand spankin' new design. Copious details available, should you take an interest. A few sections are still under construction (and for "a few" please read "most"); my apologies. I should have everything up within the next few days. Two new stories posted, also several sketches and vignettes which I had previously abandoned to languish in the depths of my hard drive.

Net access restored. Some minor alterations in the interest of slightly more standards-compliant code, otherwise no major updates. Redesign in progress, also various new fics. This version of the site is pretty much defunct. I'll probably just incorporate all new content into the redesign and do a major update then. Couldn't say when that will be, though.

Mini-update. Fixed a link, added three Pairings That Will Never Be, Alas. Net access is intermittent at best, so updates will remain sporadic.

Added the etc. and nonfiction pages, removed some links and added others.

Uploaded a revised version of "Trajectories" and revamped the links page.

Damnit, Jim, I'm a layabout ne'er-do-well, not a web designer! Site goes live with little content, no fanfare, and positively too much hoo-ha.